
Sanol around the world

A Qualifed Company

Company history

A unique invention from Sweden

The absorbents are produced by an unique process and raw materials developed by Sanol AB, giving a hardened bio-foam which is biologically degradable.

Our products are environmentally friendly and through quality tests demonstrated a superior high and rapid absorption.


Non-toxic, biodegradable foam

Demand to replace polypropylene based absorbents has only increased. Our own manufactured product has a better absorbency than polypropylene based and bleeds not out the collected oil. The light weight is an advantage in handling and it is a non-toxic, environmental friendly and biodegradble product. In 2013 will be new production and office space of about 2000 square meters.


Sanol  - an export product

The Sanol & Fixol products are available on four continents and we currently export to over 20 countries. We are very positive about the future and the development of export opportunities  will continue.





Sanol AB is environmentally certified according to ISO 14001  and quality certified according to ISO 9001.


Quality Tested Products

In the recent years we have  worked with "Sanol 2.0", a development to improve the characteristics of the raw material. Recent quality and efficiency tests on YKI and IVL show a superior amount of absorbed oil in relation to its weight (ca 3 times higher than for polypropylene).



Sanol KSA  - - Tel: 6610524